Sunday, January 11, 2009

Blindness and Phantom Limbs

It seems to me that Bergson's focus on memory/image/perception is hugely centered around the visual sense (regarding audio/tactile senses as secondary) and that he hesitates to address issues of blindness and phantom limbs (although he does mention both, and that more research needs to be performed in these areas). 

While I was reading, blindness occurred to me foremost because I used to work with the blind at a radio reading service.  Bergson, addressing blindness, says:

Sever the optic nerve of the animal: the vibrations issuing from the luminous point can no longer be transmitted to the brain and thence to the motor nerves…visual perception has therefore become impotent, and this very impotence is unconsciouness. (44)

I wonder what he means be this, since surely, as he seems to state later, those who are blind (from birth or not) are surely not impotent/unconscious, but rely on alternate senses which often attempt to compensate for the visual sense. What would Bergson consider a perception in someone who has been blind from birth? He talks a little about this on page 43 as well, as those blind from birth having never formed a single visual image, when I believe it is more often the case that the blind possess an interior visual world separate from ours, one which can be entirely discerned by a heightened sense of touch. 

I also found the small section on the erroneous localizations of those who have lost limbs to be interesting (page 59), which reminded me of the recent studies done on mirror treatment in amputees (article linked).  In this case the memory of both pain and the once-presence of the limb cannot reconcile themselves.  Mirror treatment relies on a visual illusion (and it must be visual) in order not so much to re-train the mind in realizing the actuality of the missing limb as to trick it into believing that the limb still exists. 


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